Back to the topic of this piece; reading Jared Diamond’s interesting work “Guns, germs and steel: a short history of everybody for he last 13,000 years” I realised that the lands at higher latitudes and especially those with Mediterranean climates are rather special in that often the edible grasses came from those areas (especially in Eurasia). These grasses were domesticated early and proved critical to the development of civilisations. I guess the question then is why the tropics are almost as hostile as the arctic zones when it comes to food security for people, etc. Jared has several wonderful explanations in the book and it is well worth a read.
Still not satisfied I kept on looking and found this article at a NASA site. In “Location, location”, Rachel Hauser tells us that in 1990 about 35% of the world population lived on 1% of the ice-free land. We are also told that somehow the rate of economic growth of the poor nations are much lower than that of the rich nations and the link is made to the location of the fastest growing economies (despite the process of globalisation). Interesting enough, most of the poor countries are situated in the tropical regions of the world. Looking at climate zones and coastal proximity, it was found that only three tropical economies were classified as high-income (Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore). Every country zoned as temperate had either middle or high income economies and in countries (and economies) straddling both temperate and tropical climates (for example Brazil and Australia), it was found that wealth concentrated in the temperate zones.
The three key factors driving this situation were: coastal proximity, prevalence of infectious diseases and agricultural productivity. It is explained that tropical agricultural yields are low because the soils are more “fragile” than temperate soil, etc.
These things all make sense to me. I also find that I cope better with climates that are cooler and often less humid. I like “seasons”: very cold winters and mild summers. I work best when I can see how the days get longer or shorter and where dusk and dawn are long events. Some time ago I had to write a motivation for air conditioning of some old offices. I had a tough time explaining that most people find it hard to concentrate or work in an information type environment for a reasonable stretch of time when it was hot. I was told that because they were sitting quietly at their computers, they could easily stand temperatures up to 30C. I did not agree, and eventually the fight was won, and now I see people setting their conditioners to about 23C, and I see them actually working and not looking tired and res

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