20 June 2008

Developed World Plus

Sweden is an amazing country with an amazing culture. During my recent visit I was impressed by the Swedes and their way of doing things. It seems that they are preparing constantly for the future – a long term plan. They are very punctual, and service orientated. Their systems work. If it fails, they are quick to repair and maintain it and quick to explain why delays occur when they do.

Stockholm is remarkably clean for such a big city with so many visitors. At the same time there is a keen sense of caring for nature, for bringing up their kids in the first few years at least in a close family unit and for being part of their nation. There is much to learn there, and in all my discussions, the people were open and engaging, free of fears of being hi-jacked or attacked. Children and women are safe, even late at night on the tube.

A warming and calming experience, it showed me again that it is possible for humanity to live in reasonable harmony. It only requires respect, a sense of belonging and above all, the discipline to take responsibility for the here and now and for the future. They do not dwell in the past and they do not shift blame. This is what we must achieve in South Africa as well. Yes, Sweden do have some ghastly issues too, but it is being managed actively, decisions are made and executed. How do you become “First World Plus”? I quote a new friend in Sweden: “I make decisions and act on them, I do not change my decisions, I only make new ones.” Subtle.

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