Sometimes we need to make a promise that is seemingly beyond our ability to keep. Then we must keep it. To see the worth in others, to believe in the inevitable triumph of virtue over the mundane shuffle of ignorance and vice - the path of worth.
Working towards a goal that perches high on a cliff above the plains of your ability, this is truly a worthwhile enterprise.
To keep a promise.
The subtlety of living in the next life, the life after our own, is the highest cause. For our children, for those reliant on us. The quid pro quo is that we respect this and live and die accordingly, that we learn from this and complete the cycle.
Sometimes we have to believe blindly in what is written, sometimes we have to contribute to what is written without expectations of return in investment, and we must learn not to judge within the limited bounds of our flawed perceptions. Maybe this is at the core of growth and sustainability. How do we live a simple life, in sync with ethics in these times of spin and the webs of words? If only we can claim a core value - something like being a gentleman, being truthful, being able to walk away from the lure of fame, money and personal status, being a husband, a father, an honest son, a loving grandfather…
The day dissolves into the black ink of night. Sleep comes on silent wings to find each of us alone, facing the remnants of a day, the consequences of life, always as if in preparation of death. As we pray, we live our hopes and dreams, our fears. Some of us are privileged to find the arms of loved ones in this moment, some need to turn once more to a pillow for consolation, some are swallowed by the monster of chemistry.
Some have the luxuray to say “Goodbye”, “Goodnight”, “I love you” and even “Miss you”. But it all comes down to our moment of truth, did we live a lie or did we live a life of promises fulfilled. Every day, every life.
In memory of a gentleman: Piet Smit
Image from FreeFoto