It is closely related to “Wish”. I wish I could be as smart. I wish this would work for once. I wish I was a painter.
Hope is recursive, it calls upon itself to salvage hope.
Pearl Jam: “I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on”.
Pink Floyd: “Wish you were here...”.
If only. If only I had done more… If only I had the dress…. If only they would see me for what I am… If only I could be there tomorrow...
Dreams. My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to marry you, my love. My dream is to be the best pianist ever. My dream is to put food in the hands of multitudes.
Hope is survival, hope is at the core of existence, hope is close family of despair, hope is the partner to love and faith. Hope cannot die. Hope is released last from Pandora’s box - to conquer the other evils released by the insatiable curiosity of humankind. Nietzsche defends hope as the one thing that will save humanity from itself.
Yes, “Hope” is human.
I hope you see the point.
The graphics are from iStockPhoto, licensed to me. Free the creative spirit and oppose piracy - pay for your graphics and songs. It is the ethical thing to do.