Is it possible that operating systems will disappear into the background for most users? I certainly hope so, and my reason is simple: I am tired of being held hostage by corporate mind control. For many years now I have had to comply with the choices my company makes on the operating system, the wordprocessor, the spreadsheet, the e-mail programme, etc. I use. And this influences what I can use at home, because I must be able to easily transfer my work from home to work. My day is not broken into work bits or home bits or gym bits. It has elements of everything mixed up nicely to my liking. Being forced to go with Linux (because this is a corporate decision to throw off the tyranny of Microsoft cost structures in poor countries like South Africa (!)) by my corporate masters is rather disabling. Suddenly all my old little apps must make way for new ones and with it new learning and wasting of time. So if someone could come up with a computer system that is fun to use, that allows me to work in a paradigm that fits with that of my clients when needed and fits my needs at other times, I'll go out and buy it. Maybe I'll go look at that beautiful Mac again.